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These are some of the questions which we are frequently asked.
If you have any other queries please email or telephone us, we’re only too pleased to help!
What is the nutritional value of venison?
What is the difference between farmed and wild venison?
How is your venison delivered to me?
How can I pay?
Can I only buy the cuts you have listed here?
How long will it keep?
How much notice do you require?
What happens when things go wrong?

Venison: vital statistics
Venison is a remarkable lean meat. At 1.6% fat, it is leaner than skinless chicken and has less than half the cholesterol too. Venison is a good source of essential Omega 3 fatty acids (good for the brain!), protein, and B vitamins. And of course it has a marvellous flavour. Because it is so lean, venison shrinks less during cooking and is quite a filling meat so usually smaller portions will satisfy, which helps the budget! because Fletchers’ venison is already tender and well flavoured, marinating is not necessary, but those who like the extra richness can of course marinate theirs.
Many people are not aware that young farmed venison is such a low fat meat. As the chart below shows, it is even leaner than chicken. When people are advised to reduce the fat content in their diet chicken and fish are usually the alternatives suggested. Others are unhappy about the intensification and use of drugs such as antibiotics in chicken production. Some people simply do not enjoy eating fish. They therefore find it difficult to keep to their new diet.
To discover that there is an alternative low fat red meat is a relevation to many.
Composition per 100g | Fat | Protein | Energy (Kcal) | Water | Iron | Cholesterol |
Farmed Venison | 1.6 | 22.2 | 103 | 74.4 | 3.3 | 29 |
Chicken, skinned | 2.1 | 22.3 | 108 | 75.1 | 0.7 | 90 |
Beef, Topside | 12.9 | 20.4 | 198 | 65.8 | 1.7 | 50 |
Lamb, leg | 12.3 | 19 | 187 | 67.4 | 1.4 | 78 |
Pork, leg | 15.2 | 19 | 213 | 64.4 | 0.7 | 63 |
What is the difference between farmed and wild venison?
Wild venison may sometimes be marvellous, but all too often has come from old tougher animals, or those stressed due to lack of feed, or the carcase may be badly damaged from shooting at a great distance. The larger game trade cannot cope with specialised hanging, so sometimes there may be very little flavour, sometimes a musty bitter taste. This lack of consistency in flavour and texture often makes it difficult for the consumer to cook wild venison successfully.
Fletchers of Auchtermuchty offer the finest possible venison, home reared in extensive pastures. Winter feed is local hay, potatoes and carrots, and no growth promoters or unnecessary drugs are given. Only animals under 27 months are used for venison, and they are all on-farm slaughtered, under conditions approved by the Quality Assured Farmed Venison Scheme
Fletchers venison has been hung in the traditional way for excellent flavour and tenderness. It has more iron and protein and less fat and water than beef, lamb and chicken. An extensive range of cuts are available, as well as Nichola Fletcher’s special oven ready recipe products. Full cooking instructions are given for each product. They are available from the farm shop in Fife or by overnight delivery.