Fletchers of Auchtermuchty
Venison Products
& Prices
About Our Venison
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The Farm Shop
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Jewellery by Nichola
Deer Management
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Expert Witness
About John Fletcher
Deer on Film
You can order your venison online or, if you’re in the area why not call in at the farm shop?
We’re always delighted to meet our friends and customers, new and old, and you can choose from the wide range available in the shop, or, if you would like us to cut something specially for you to collect, either telephone us on 01337 828369 or e-mail us.
If you like, you can order online and then collect from the shop! Simply select your purchases here and then select “Collect From Shop” on the order form.
Vacuum packaging means that you can store the venison fresh in your fridge for a week or else freeze it for later use.

TV cooks, The Two Fat Ladies, arrive at our farm shop.
If you’re not sure how to find us, click here for detailed directions – we’re only a mile and half outside Auchtermuchty!
As well as cuts of meat there is Fletcher’s whole range of sausages, pate, olives, venison parcels, veniburgers, ready marinated venison smoked venison and Nichola’s unique carpaccio.
There are also recipe leaflets and useful hints for producing the perfect meal.